An online calculator to calculate and graph the current through and voltages across a resistor, a capacitor and an inductor in series when the input a step voltage of the form \( V_0 u(t) \) where \( u(t) \) is the unit step function.
We first give the formulas used in the series RC calculator.
The formulas developed in RC circuit response to a step voltage are presented here as they are used in the calculator.
When a voltage step function of the form \( v_i(t) = V_0 u(t) \) is the input voltage in the given cicuit, we have :
The voltage \( v_C(t) \) across the capacitor is given by
\( v_C(t) = V_0 (1 - e^{-t/RC} ) u(t) \)
The voltage \( v_R(t) \) across the resistor is given by
\( v_R (t) = V_0 e^{-t/RC} u(t) \)
The current \( i(t) \) is given by
\( i(t) = \dfrac{v_R}{R} = \dfrac{V_0}{R} e^{-t/RC} u(t) \)
\( \tau = R C \) is called the time constant of the circuit.